How much does land cost in Islamabad?
Real Estate: Real estate is a word that we use in our daily life conversation regarding property matters but have you ever thought what does the word actually mean? What is its significance? The word real estate is derived from two words of Latin and French respectively. Real is derived from Latin which means “present, authentic or genuine.” The word Estate is translated into English after deriving from an old French word “ estat ” which means “status or rank.” So if combined together, the whole word means an individual who owns a piece of land or relevant units. Land: It is said that the best investment on earth is earth. This implies that if all things fail, the land that you have invested into will repay through one way or another. However, to get a significant amount of pay back that take cares of you in your old age, you need to invest in the right kind of asset during springtime of life. Right Asset: How to know that the property you are investing in...